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How Does Our Sliding Scale Work?

To keep our program affordable for local families, we offer an income-based sliding-scale tuition rate. 


There is an application for this option, that the family can request. 


Then once a family is set up for the ISS we ask that they simply update us if their financial situation changes - up or down - so that we can correctly apply the discount. We call this our Commitment, so that we enter into a honest and transparent partnership with the family.  

Our Income-Based Schedule

The following schedule will be used in determining eligibility and adjusted per day costs.


$35,000 + =$30

$34,99 - 29,999 = $27

$29,998 - 24,861=$24

$24,860 – 19,720 =$18

$19,719 – 14,581 =$12

$14,580 – 13,300 =$6

$13,299 – 12,101=$3

$12,100 – 11,001=$1

$11,000 and under =$0

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